Wooden Security Doors Exportation

Exporting wooden security doors to another country, especially to neighbors, can be very profitable, and the best of these doors are offered in the country at an extremely cheap price, which can guarantee the profitability of the trade of these doors; Exports to other countries are very cheap and fast, and customers can meet their needs domestically and export as soon as possible.

Wooden Security Doors Exportation

Are Wooden Security Doors Durable?

Are Wooden Security Doors Durable? The safest and strongest doors today are anti-theft doors that are made with locks with a large number of tabs and high security, and these doors are usually wooden or metal, anti-theft door locks play the most important role in safety and time When buying, you should pay close attention to the strength of the lock.

One of the types of anti-theft doors are wooden anti-theft doors, which have exactly the same function as other anti-theft doors, with the difference that they have wood veneer for more beauty; Anti-theft door covers are usually made of mdf or hdf or pvc wood and their wood is generally made of maple, alder, mulch, sycamore, walnut, mulberry, Russian wood, beech and و and other woods except Russian wood and it is prepared from the trees of the forests of Iran.

Security doors benefits is too much and the woods that are more resistant have a darker color and when buying, you should pay attention to the color of the wooden anti-theft doors; the darker they are, the more they prevent heat and sound transfer and have more impact resistance. Dark colors are hardwoods that have a high density and weight.

Soft woods are light in color and due to their low density, they weigh less and therefore have less resistance. Of course, even the strongest wooden anti-theft doors are not impervious to water and fire, but recently, high-strength anti-theft wooden doors are anti-theft. Made of fire and anti-moisture.

Are Solid Wood Doors Secure?

Are Solid Wood Doors Secure? One of the most important factors to consider when buying a home is its security. Throughout history, humans have tried to increase the security of their homes by inventing devices such as locks, doors and guards, and in recent years, the use of products such as multiple locks, CCTV cameras, guards and fences and anti-theft has flourished.

In the meantime, anti-theft was quickly replaced by old doors due to higher security and stronger strength, and found a special place among builders. Wooden doors, formerly used as door doors, were not completely safe and thieves could easily enter break or remove the hinge, but the new doors are more secure against any pressure, impact or lock manipulation, and to some extent block the entry of intruders.

solid oak doors is made in layers in the form of anti-theft to have the necessary safety and strength, and its outer surface is usually covered with wood or metal and has different types. Also, the internal structure of these doors is made of layers of wood, refractory wool, polyurethane. (Refractory ionolite) is filled with glass or aluminum to provide a kind of air and sound insulation in addition to strength, and its hinge, unlike ordinary doors, is completely hidden inside the body of the door and is not visible from the outside.

Wooden Security Doors Bulk Price

Wooden Security Doors Bulk Price The best types of wooden security doors are offered to buyers at a very reasonable price, which will be much more reasonable if ordered in bulk; You can contact the major seller for detailed information on the current price of this product and get more information in this regard. Major customers can pay a lower for wooden security doors price by buying this door in large numbers, and thus in exporting it to other countries, they can get a much better profit from the trade of this door, and the export of these doors is economical due to Their low wholesale price is very lucrative.

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